This tutorial walks you through the onboarding wizard. To maximize your success on HomeGig, it’s critical that you complete your profile as much as possible. The onboarding wizard guides you through the process of filling out the various parts of your company profile. It's important to note that your company profile can easily be edited even after you've completed the onboarding process. See this article for additional details on how to edit your profile.

Below are the steps included in the onboarding wizard:


In this step, you’ll be providing all of your key company information. Most of the fields in this section are self explanatory. The few that need additional explanation have been outlined below:

  • Company Tagline - Think of this as your company motto. This is displayed in various portions of the app, primarily in your customer-facing bids. Keep this short and simple. 

  • Short Description - This is a more detailed explanation of your company and the services that you offer. A few things to consider including here:

    • How long have you been in business?

    • Are you a family owned business?

    • Do you specialize, or are known as being the best at, something specific?

  • Services - One of the most important parts of your profile are the services that you provide. These are automatically used to filter the available projects that you might be interested in bidding on. Make sure to include any services that you’re interested in provide, not just your primary services.

  • Service Areas - Secondary in importance to your services are the service areas you cover. Similar to services, your service areas are also used to filter down the projects that you might be interested in bidding on. Furthermore, customers have the ability to invite Pros to bid on jobs and your service area is a key factor in determining which Pros can be invited to a project. Also similar to services, make sure to include all areas where you’re interested in doing business. 

  • Employee - In this step, you’re adding your employees. Having your employees on your profile enables customers to see the “faces” behind your company.  


In this step, add any relevant licenses that you, your team members, and/or company maintain. Including your licenses on your profile helps build credibility with potential customers. A few examples of the types of licenses to add here include:

  • Business licenses

  • Contractor’s licenses

  • Specialty contractor's licenses

  • Industry-specific licenses


In this step, add any affiliations that your company has with industry organizations. Similar to licenses, affiliations help you build additional credibility with potential customers.  The inputs might be identical to those under the "Licenses" section, but the purpose is completely different. Licenses are typically required to perform work, whereas, affiliations demonstrate your engagement in a particular trade and commitment to staying up-to-date with the latest market developments. A few examples of affiliations include:

  • Better Business Bureau

  • Industry and Trade Associations


In this step, add any other external references that adds additional credibility to your profile. A few examples might be:

  • Chamber of commerce

  • Development associations

  • Community groups

  • Charity participation


In this step, add your previous projects to your profile to demonstrate your expertise. Similar to the previous sections, this section is all about building credibility with potential customers, but more importantly, this section enables potential customers to see your work in action. We could easily argue that this section is the most important section of them all.

TIP: Uploading pictures for each of your portfolio projects is one of the most important aspects of a portfolio project.


In this step, you're simply reviewing the details you've provided in previous steps. 

NOTE: You can also request reviews from customers that you've performed work for outside of HomeGig, which will be made visible on your profile. For additional details on how that works, click here.